Sunday, April 20, 2014

Ardbeg 10 year

The second tasting of tonight is one Aaron picked out. I want to preface this review by saying that I really do not like peated whiskeys. There is something about that peat flavor that reminds me of bog mummies. It doesn't help that peat has a bandage flavor and reminds me of regular mummies. I have a hard time getting past it.

Their box claimed to be perfection on the palate and the best whiskey in the world. High expectation should have a higher than expected delivery.

Color: Pale gold
Price: 54 @ Bevmo
Alcohol Content:  46%
Nose: Disappointment, hesitation. The medicinal flavor hits you right at the start. It also has a very strong smoke scent. I imagine it's what fire logs wrapped in gauze smell like.
Taste: Salt water, burnt things, as if a hospital in Hawaii burnt their medical waste.
Finish: My mouth went numb.
Notes: No. Not for me. If you want to camp next to a bog and eat dirt than this is for you. But this is not for me at all.


Pocket Shot Whiskey.

Boom. Time for a new update. I had a few reviews that I wanted to put up but my dog ate my papers. For reals. Evolution has not been kind to Charlie Barns.

So I have two new reviews I'll pop up today. The first one is for a really cheep shot from the Pocket Shot brand.

Pocket Shot - 4 year Whiskey
Cost: 1.99 @ bevmo for one shot.
Alcohol Content: 40%
Color: Deep Oak, like hardwood floor.
Nose: Wood, strong alcohol scent, very sugary smelling.
Taste: Light alcohol flavor. Very sweet and mellow.
Finish: Very nice finish. Toned down from everything that hit the nose. Fruity, but no strong pull in any one direction.

notes: Very nice whiskey. Where most whiskey would leave me reaching for some pepto this didn't feel like fire on the way down. Would buy this in a normal sized bottle.
